I have just retired the old events web page which we have been using to help run (~ 116) open meetings since 2011. I have replaced it with the first release of the new events system which is now part of raceManager - take a peek here.
The new system is far from complete, but does replace all of the functions in the old system and gives SYC a better framework for future development of the system. This first release provides .. .
- a page to describe each event with far more flexibility - adding images and pop-up detail sections
- more flexible (and intelligent!) entry forms - with links to collect junior consent information online (no more paper forms)
- access to race documents and an official online noticeboard for each event
- more flexible 'results' access - allowing us to add links to event articles, photo galleries and videos.
The planned developments for next year will hopefully include .. .
- facility for communicating with registered competitors via email, SMS text, and Whatsapp
- more automated management of the entry waiting lists
- the facility for competitors to update their entry information
- a "committee boat" module which should allow direct submission of results into raceManager via a phone