racemanager RACEBOX

rm_Racebox is part of the raceManager software package which SYC uses to manage dinghy racing at the club.  The software attempts to make the job of running races easier for Race Officers.  This includes: 
  • providing suggestions for race course(s) relevant to the wind / tide conditions
  • collecting boat entries and allocating them to the correct fleet
  • timing laps and the finish for each boat
  • producing the race and series results taking into account class handicaps 
  • publishing the results on the SYC website
rm_sailor station for race entry

VIDEO - before the race start

Opening the application, setting laps, collecting entries, starting the race, etc.

VIDEO - during and after the race

Recording lap and finish times, shortening course, creating results, etc.

Demonstration Version

Have a play with the demo version of rm_Racebox.  The demo version supports the various race formats used at SYC, and creates some entries automatically for you.