Dinghy Racing Hub
All the information you need on dinghy racing at SYC - one of top racing clubs in the country.
Dinghy Racing Overview
A brief overview of dinghy and catamaran racing at SYC for new members and potential new members
Dinghy Racing Programme
Searchable racing programme with start times, tide times and allocated duty information
Latest Race Results
Get your results ... if you spot an error please post the details on the forum.
Open Meetings / Special Events
Find information on special events that SYC is organising this year
Sailor Info
All the information you need to race successfully at SYC - entering a race, courses, race marks, signals, handicaps etc.
Race Officer Info
All the information you'll need if you have a Race Officer or Assistant Race Officer duty - including "how to ..." videos, and a "top tips" list
The Rules
Handy links to the rules that govern our racing - Sailing Instructions, RRS, protests etc.