Who is this for?
All SYC members volunteering for Safety Boat duties and prospective RYA Dinghy Sailing Instructors.
Candidates must be
- at least 16 years old to meet SYC powerboat driving duty requirements, or
- 15 years old and preparing for a RYA Dinghy Instructor course
Course outline
This entry level course provides the skills and background knowledge needed to safely drive a powerboat. It is the basis of the International Certificate of Competence (for which a separate application is required). The course focuses on low-speed close-quarters handling, man-overboard recovery, an introduction to driving at planing speed, basic pilotage and Collision Regulations. By the end of the course you will have a basic skills needed to confidently and safely drive a powerboat.
2 days
This course is offered at SYC
- at a considerably lower cost than at commercial Training Centres …
- … but only to trainees who qualify under 'Who is this for?' above - those seeking their PB2 qualification for their own recreational purposes should contact a commercial RYA Training Centre directly
Suggested next steps
RYA First Aid
RYA/MCA Marine Radio Short Range Certificate (SRC)