Using Square Till and Payment Terminal

Using Square Till and Payment Terminal

Starting Machine

  • Wipe down machine with alcohol wipe
  • Machine should have been left on and a screen touch will start it but if not…
  • Switch on power button on left side of machine. (Press and hold for 2-3 seconds). It takes about a minute to load. Do not switch machine off after service, it sleeps if not used. Please leave connected to mains.
  • Screen should be set to Library which shows all items alphabetically. If not press library on top of screen.
  • Scroll down to get all items
  • Add items required for the sale and it will automatically add to the basket and total up.
  • For non-itemised products select other under all items and add price in. This is not something to do during busy service times; ask the person to please wait until service is quieter.
  • Note. If you are very busy and there is someone free on the Galley side, ask if they can help out either with loading cups or with taking payments. The machine uses WIFI and operates in the whole Clubhouse area.

To pay by card

  • Press charge, bottom of screen.(Minimum Charge For Card Payment £1)
  • Press review to check items and charge.
  • Customer inserts card or uses contactless.
  • Ask customer if they require a receipt and select print, email or no receipt
  • Press New sale to return to screen

To pay by cash (try and insist on card payment)

  • Press charge at bottom of screen.
  • Press review to check items and charge.
  • Press x on top left of screen
  • Select Cash and add amount given to you in the top box
  • Done
  • Press Tender (this will tell you how much change if any.)
  • Press New sale to return to screen

To remove items from basket

  • Click review at bottom of the screen
  • Select item to be changed / cancelled (by touching it)
  • Change amount by pressing + or – button or select remove item
  • Confirm remove item
  • Click on X (top right of screen to get back to main screen)

Loss of WIFI signal

  • The Square normally operates on the Club landline broadband.
    If this signal fails, select more, settings, hardware, TP-Link (4G router)

Ian Purvis, Galley Co-ordinator
31 May 2023


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