Galley Duty Guidance Notes

Galley Duty Guidance
Important new information

  • Performing a club duty AT LEAST TWICE A YEAR IS REQUESTED TO ENABLE THE SMOOTH RUNNING OF THE CLUB, and the Club Committees will do their best to ensure all duties are evenly spread around members. Failure to turn up and do your duty is letting the whole club down.
  • If you cannot do your duty on the set day, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to contact another member on the Dutyman rota and swap with them. Alternatively, put something on the club website forum: the Galley Committee cannot undertake your duty or find someone for you. If all else fails, email The Galley coordinator at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. AS A LAST RESORT and he will send out an email asking for a volunteer to swap with you. Please don’t leave finding someone to cover you until the last minute.
  • The Galley is there to provide food for members during club sailing times. In light of the changes to the galley structure the member allocated “Bar Duty” will be responsible for all drinks hot and cold and will take payment for all items sold by the galley and the bar. We encourage members to pay by card or payment App as we take cash only in exceptional circumstances.
  • Please note that our Health and Safety Insurance requires that no children under the age of 14 are allowed in the galley.
  • Galley opening and closing procedures as well as all equipment operating instructions can be found in the blue folder on the counter top marked THE SYC GALLEY HANDBOOK. This also contains other important information listed in the index on the front cover.
  • Please sign the Food Hygiene book when opening and closing the galley. This book will be left open for you to complete: please make sure you include the date. This is a requirement under Food Hygiene Regulations and will be inspected by the Council on their annual visit. Also please make a note of any problems you encountered with equipment or other items.


What your duty entails
  • To keep our excellent food hygiene score of 5 please ensure you follow the galley opening procedure when your shift starts
  • You no longer need to provide milk: this is now kept in the Bar Store fridge door
  • As Food has already been prepared by members with Level 2 Hygiene Certificates or is bought-in cooked food, it only necessary to start your Galley Service 30 minutes after racing has started. See website programme for times.
  • Hot food will be served after the race finish from a menu set 1 day before and published on the SYC Galley Forum. Click here to see the Forum Index. Full instructions are in the Galley Handbook
  • To keep our excellent food hygiene score of 5 please ensure you follow the galley closing procedure when your shift has finished
  • Race box and Safety boat crew get a free hot drink ONLY.



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We have  produced guidance notes for the different duties members are rostered to do at SYC  Please note the first part of the guidance notes deals with general information on duties with specific requirements in subsequent pages. 

Galley Duty Race Days guidance notes are available here.

Galley Duty Water Sports Days guidance notes are available here.

Please note that the notes are produced in printable pdf files so you will be able to print them out for reference.

You can find your duty dates and details on the club Dutyman software by clicking here.